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Frederick Buechner's latest book is one of his best.
A report from the Christian Booksellers Association convention in Anaheim.
Remembering Jeremiah Evarts and Samuel Worcester.
Asking the wrong questions?
How would the murdered journalist want to be remembered?
Sudanese Christians gather in Houston and ask for U.S. support.
Wendell Berry's vision, and how Christians should respond to it.
Then hack your lungs out and die.
RIP Stephen Jay Gould.
... with the sign of the Cross.
Marxism (or not).
Our readers write.
Mother Jones magazine makes known a shocking discovery: evangelicals are sending missionaries to Muslim countries!
The uniqueness of the Jews
Two remarkable collections of Holocaust testimony.
Was the Holocaust God's will?
Blasphemy, rage, memory, and meaning of the Shoah.
A conversation with novelist Christopher Moore.
Part 2: Saving the game?
After one of the best World Series ever, baseball faces a crisis.
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