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All the Founding Fathers of America celebrated "independence," but what the word meant depended on who was speaking.
The Books & Culture Weblog
An unsparing new memoir by the author of Slackjaw.
The Books & Culture Weblog
A lively conference offers a state-of-the-art assessment of the concept of "worldview," with both advocates and dissenters represented.
The Books & Culture Weblog
Race, nature, and patriarchy meet in Rhys Isaac's biography of early American diarist Landon Carter.
The Books & Culture Weblog
The first volume of an ambitious new history of America highlights the engine of "worldly ideals"—and the role of evangelical religion in creating a distinctive American identity.
The first volume of an ambitious new history of America highlights the engine of "worldly ideals"—and the role of evangelical religion in creating a distinctive American identity.
The Books & Culture Weblog
Poland (mostly) honors Czeslaw Milosz upon his death.
The Books & Culture Weblog
The strange tale of the controversial Bishop Pike and his fatal quest for relevance.
The Books & Culture Weblog
The concluding installment of our three-part midyear book roundup.
The Books & Culture Weblog
Part 2 of our midyear report on outstanding books.
The first installment in a new Tolkien-inspired series shows genuine promise.
The first installment of our new midyear book report.
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