Raising children is the most important work we do for the Kingdom of God. Isn't it?
Posted 12.22.08
Revising perceptions of the influential African American thinker.
Posted 12.15.08
A lucid, painstaking, and refreshingly open-minded account of a much-contested subject.
Posted 12.15.08
Paul Mariani's biography of Gerard Manley Hopkins provides extraordinary insight into the craft and faith of a great poet.
Posted 12.08.08
Posted 12.08.08
Posted 11.24.08
A novel that belongs in the company of Infinite Jest, Ulysses, and War and Peace.
Posted 11.24.08
Diane Johnson's new novel chronicles the misadventures of a CIA agent in the post-9/11 era.
Posted 11.10.08
Why the history of the black "freedom struggle" remains all too relevant today.
Posted 11.03.08
A 59-year-old linebacker goes back to college to complete his senior season.
Posted 10.06.08
Some charismatic leaders have used their hard-won opportunity to preach a message in step with prevailing American materialism.
Posted 09.29.08
Mark Noll on race and religion in America.
Posted 09.22.08