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What's real in espionage fiction?
In the Turkish city of Kars, schoolgirls forced to abandon their headscarves are killing themselves. A poet who is also a journalist is sent to cover the story.
Nostalgia for nature's seasons in a climate-controlled world.
The world of the No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency.
Montana Police Shoot Bigfoot
Awe and reconciliation in the work of WS.
An art restorer in search of a person restorer.
On the trail of faith and writing.
I should not talk so much about myself if there were any body else whom I knew as well.
Pauline self-abandonment as a response to postmodern nihilism.
Is Geoffrey Hill the greatest living English poet?
A parable of the new South Africa.
P.D. James' masterful detection of the primal sin.
Using literature to enliven economics.
The secret life of chick lit.
And why his best stories are still worth reading.
The restless art of Weldon Kees, pursued for mortal stakes.
Two Arab poets-one Palestinian, the other Iraqi- and the vicissitudes of exile and translation
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